Thursday, 16 May 2013


'How does it feels when you suddenly becoming a bitter working mom?' soal aku cuba provoke D.

'Well, one of my kid has pee on my lap. Still, I am all ok' balas D dalam gaya indifferent.

'As a doctor, it really sounds weird for you say pee, instead of urinate. I don't know it just plain weird. A matter of word choice or anything. Yeah...' usik aku sambil mengangkat bahu dengan mimik muka tak puas hati.

'Erm...may be urine just sounds too appealing' balas D berseloroh.

'InsyaAllah we are coping this, well' balas ku sambil menepuk bahu D.

'Yeah,we are great parents. We can do this' sambung D bersemangat.

#Tuhan mudahkan urusan kami

1 comment:

wahida said...

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