Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Hippocratic Oath

You may read about the oath here, but I would like to comment the video.

I watch this video yesterday, and the robber probably bled to death getting his major blood vessels hit by the bullet(s). Kudos for the police to bring him down for the safety of the public. I could not agree less, but shooting him down may be the best option to stop him - at that moment.

However when I saw the robber was pleading to be saved, I reckon he deserved the right to be salvaged. As a human, I disagree that this is the way to deal with the injured person, and leaving him to die is totally inhumane.

I am not blaming the police per say. The crowd were busy recording "the moment" instead of calling the ambulance or do necessary thing to stop the bleed. Sigh.

Some people may say that when he decided to rob, he was giving up human rights. Well, that is something that the court should handle with, and could only happen if the robber were saved.

But, this is only my judgement based on what I saw in the video. You may agree to disagree.


Opie said...

You may read about the oath here, but I would like to comment the video.

I watched this video yesterday, and the robber probably bled to death after his major blood vessels were hit by bullet(s). Kudos to the police for bringing him down for the safety of the public. Shooting him down may be the best option in stoping him - at that moment.

However when I saw the robber was pleading to be saved, I reckon he deserved to be helped. As human beings, I disagree that this is the way we should deal with an injured person; leaving him to die is inhumane.

I am not blaming the police per se. The crowd was busy recording "the moment" instead of calling the ambulance or doing necessary things to stop the bleeding. Sigh.

Some people may say that when he decided to rob others, he was giving up his human rights. Well, that is something the court should decide, but it can only be done if the robber was alive..

This is my opinion, based on what I saw in the video. You may agree to disagree.

Unknown said...

oh my english!
it seems like i need to polish more on my grammar and the word choice.

thx guru

Anonymous said...

mase nie tgh tgu ambulan.. 20 m after call bru ambulan sampai. polis dah ikat kt kaki die taknak bg pendarahan truk.

but yeah.. how i wish ade org pangku die mase tu n ajar syahadah. akak yakin ade org nak buat cmtu.. tp mcm tergamam.. jd tak terbuat.. yela.. rare kn siatuasi cmni..

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