Friday, 7 June 2013

Strawberry's lovers.

Raya Celebration with Friends and Ducks. Nurshariza Abdullah, did you miss my char koey tiaw?

This K when she was 11 months.

Maqloobah Youtube Recipe!

Definitely it is my first attempt! 

I had difficulty to cook this dish. I burnt all the underlying pre-cooked aubergines slices, but the rice and chickens were nicely cooked. 

The perk of making this dish is when you turn your pot up side down (so that is what maqloobah means). Different thing happened to me. I can't stop yelling, heart brokenly, in any jiffy by the time I  discovered my dish was totally burned into a giant charcoal. Shocked. However, when unwrapped the underlying aubergine slices, I found out that everything was perfect.  


You can get the recipe from Youtube, and try this.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

A monster with douche bag face mask.

As I rolled on the floor trying to escape from adik F, kakak K came in from the bedroom holding an electronic gadget in her hands.

"Papa, ini huruf M kan?" K asked .

"Yerp, it is M" I replied.

"I don't think so papa. K rasa ini W" K explained  by turning the pad 180 degrees.

"Oh ya. It is W" I reconfirmed.

"She is perfect kan papa kan?" mama asked.

"Yes, she is. What if he is a monster with douche bag face mask?" I asked, unsecured.

"I am sure you will punch him straight to his face" mama answered.

"Keh keh keh" I chuckled.

Roy Calne Fine Art Exhibition at Prince Court Medical Center

The lines were quite long, and the lobby was cramped with people. Most of them were waiting for their turn. Like us.

"Sayang, I need you to teleport me somewhere else. I am dying here, waiting " said D.
"I can't, Sayang" I replied.

So we decided to go to Prince Court Medical Center to comfort our self with good coffee  and travelling mags. As we strolled around the hospital, we came across an art exhibition by  the most renowned surgeon, Roy Calne. Calne was pioneer in organ transplantation and his millions dollar hands doesn't limit his skills in medical field, but also fine art.

Well, if you are interested to know him more, I bet Lebai Google would definitely be helpful.

double-helix DNA

bronze cat and mice

some of his carbon sketch


Monday, 3 June 2013

Weekend at Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Pahang.

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